- Energy Safety Canada (Alberta, BC, SK)
- Alberta Association for Safety Partnerships (AASP)
- Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA)
- Alberta Motor Transport Association (AMTA)

SECOR – Small Employer Certificate of Recognition
for companies with 10 or fewer employees
COR – Certificate of Recognition
designed for companies with 11 or more employees
To successfully register with a certifying partner for COR or SECOR, the company must have:
- a WCB account for the province they work in;
- a full-time employee with the required training; and
- a Health and Safety Management System (HSMS) designed to meet OHS legislation and the COR certification standards.
To achieve COR certification, a certified auditor will evaluate the company health and safety management system to the standard established by the certifying partner.
There are three cycles to COR:
- Certification audit;
- Year one Maintenance audit; and
- Year two Maintenance audit.
Audits are required annually or face losing certification.
Benefits of COR/SECOR
A strong health and safety program will have positive impacts on both a company’s safety culture and its bottom line through reduced incident costs and lower WCB Premiums.
WCB offers incentives through the Partnerships in Injury Reduction (PIR) program, where employer and worker representatives work collaboratively with government to build effective health and safety management systems.
Other benefits include:
- Reduced TRIF (Total Recordable Injury Frequency)
- Competitive edge on project bids due to lower TRIF rates
GAP Analysis
A GAP Analysis is a measurement of your health and safety management system to determine any areas within the program which needs improvement before performing your COR audit. Often these will be conducted if a company has undergone significant changes or growth to see if the health & safety management system has adapted to meet legislative requirements.
Please contact us for assistance in maintaining or achieving your COR or SECOR certification.