Depending on the project or work at hand, your clients may require you to have a membership with ISNetworld, Complyworks, Avetta or other 3rd-party providers. Compliance and monitoring for these verification services can be time-consuming for most businesses; for example, the initial setup for ISN includes answering approximately 200 questions and uploading your current safety policies, insurance and WCB reports. Key to Safety can work with you to set up and maintain all your compliance accounts.

Key to Safety offers:
- Account Setup
- Complete Intake Questionnaire
- Upload of Safety Policies, Insurance Certificates, and WCB information
- 24-48 hour ISNetworld® account development and submission
- RAVS Programs
- 100% Approved Safety Program RAVS® tailored for your company and ISNetworld® account
- Account Maintenance
- Ongoing monitoring to ensure compliance with all client requirements
- Review Client Bulletins and Online Training, providing information as needed to you
- Update RAVS® as required
- Load COIs, and WCB information
- Update Statistics
How This Service Can Be Beneficial to You
Key to Safety is well-versed in these various safety programs and their needs. With this knowledge, thanks to our years of experience, we take the guesswork out of it which saves you both time and money.
We provide competitive pricing and are happy to provide an annual rate for all compliance monitoring and RAVS updates.